I am Kayla LaFrance - I am the Titan King


I live my dream every day at Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX. After 18 years of dreaming and dedication, I now have the joy of working with manned space flight. I currently work as a contractor for NASA in the Flight Operations Directorate. I spent my first 4 years here at JSC as an ISO (Inventory and Storage Officer) Flight Controller for Mission Control which allowed me to work everyday to support our astronauts onboard the ISS. I loved this role but decided it was time for a new challenge. I moved on to the OSO Flight Controller position. OSO or an Operations Support Officer, are the in-flight maintenance specialists. We help put the round filter into the square receptacle…. if you have seen Apollo 13. My future is wide open and I hope to find myself as a Flight Director, finishing my education with a Phd, and helping design the new mission ops concepts for future missions to the Moon and Mars. 

A career goal of mine is to share my passion for human space flight and to engage the public in the value of science and technology.  I grew passionate for astronomy and space flight at a young age and quickly joined the local astronomy club. While learning the ropes about astronomy and telescopes I would spend a lot of time working the outreach events that the club participated in. From the national Astronomy day to public viewings, I learned that I loved to share with others and to help them find their own excitement and passion for the stars above.

I went from nights at the telescope and summers spent at space camps to years of college and research. I graduated with a MS in Space Studies, a BS in Engineering Physics, and Minors in Mathematics and Public Relations. My research at my NASA Ames internship and my research at UND all revolved around my dream to be a part of manned exploration of Mars!

My life is not all about space. I love being a nerd and all that goes with the territory - comic book collections, costumes, and conventions. I am a die-hard hockey fanatic who loves to play as well as watch. And I also have a love of cars that often places me under the hood. So never be surprised to find grease under my nails. 

To read my full bio please click here.


